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Haixin Shipyard to Launch 1000T Revolving Floating Crane Ves     DATE: 2016-12-25 07:30:41    The author:本站

On June 18th, Ship owner and Haixin Shipyard shared a grand festival. 1000T Revolving Floating Crane Vessel achieved the launching node, which is a multi-functional special engineering vessel and designed mainly for the emergency rescue and salvage in the Three Gorges Reservoir area of the Yangtze River .This vessel is a major national investment to the Yangtze River Waterway business, moreover, the leading ship after Haixin Shipyard relocated successfully and positioned itself as the first rate shipyard. It was expected that the new-built vessel will be delivered and joint in the security guarantee fleet of the Yangtze River Waterway this year.
Meanwhile, the dock project of Hinxin Shipyard achieved its important launching node. By means of scientific construction scheme, Haihong spared no efforts to complete the primary structure of dock in 8 months, which created a record and eventually the dock was expected to deliver in 12 months. Currently, the “sinking workshop” was undertaken to adopt the fully enclosed and open structure, which is under the research and technologic exploitation phase. It was estimated that the dock will be developed into a core competence enabling day and night operations in all environments, which would be a major innovation in the shipping building industry.

(Photograph and article provided by Mr.Miaoxu/Mr.Meng Yuanshan/Miss Ding Xiaoling, translated by Mr.Wu Guipeng and reviewed by Mr.Maoyong)

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